Monday, July 26, 2010

Never ending day

Well today is the day that will never end. I am tired of looking at old building and walking in the hot Italian sun and whining to Kyle about how I dont just want to walk for miles. But through all of this, today still was a good day. I found a great deal on Italian leather sandals this morning which made the long walk back to the hostel a little brighter. Then we also got a carton of wine, yes it comes in a carton, like you might buy some broth. The wine was £1.24 so we got our moneys worth. We have had some great food here in Italy. By far the best in our travels (especially compared to Germany and Switzerland where we ate at Hooters). Kyle is now drinking wine out of his water bottle. We are trying to get the full European experience. I am not looking forward to the flights home tomorrow. Looks like it will be about 15h of travel.... well more than that beacuse we will have to get to the airport early to print boarding passes since I could not do that here. We did go to the Spanish steps today, we stopped, looked, and said, yes those are the Spanish steps and continued on... that was it. Then we drank wine and played rummy in the room. Now Kyle will talk. Well this is the last night. I am really gettind disappointed. Everyone told me before we left be careful be careful. Watch out in Europe crazy people there. In Rome pick pockets everywhere. Where are all the bad people? I came here hoping and expecting to get mugged or at least have someone attempt a pick pocket. I really wanted to get to punch a Euro for trying to rob me. Nothing yet. O well guess I should not be complaining all the hype for nothing, I think I have a better chance of getting mugged in Chicago than here. O well I just really wanted a good mugging story. Peace be with you all. I feel very holy right now being this close to the Vatican. Also good luck to all you fair participants.

1 comment:

  1. You guys are cracking me up. Kyle never gave an update... did he decide to become Catholic??
